冠軍建材 2019家宴
磁磚木紋拼貼出家的形象,一扇門一斗窗,大大的斜角屋簷,組合成房屋面貌。木造古蹟內的家宴, 隆重不失溫暖。
品牌∣ 冠軍建材
企劃| 司創公關
設計∣ 25degreestudio
年份∣ 2019
類別∣ 視覺設計 / 活動空間設計
Champion Building Materials 2019 Family Dinner
Tiles and wooden texture work to piece together the image of home. One door, one window, and a large, slanted eaves create the appearance of a house. The family dinner in a wooden monument is grand without losing its warmth.
Brand∣ Champion Building Materials
Planning| Strong Public Relations
Design by∣ 25degreestudio
Year∣ 2019
Category∣ visual design, event space design