宴室集 包裝設計
品牌∣ 宴室集
設計∣ 25degreestudio x 長短樹鄉村研究所
年份∣ 2019
類別∣ 品牌設計 包裝設計
品牌∣ 宴室集
設計∣ 25degreestudio x 長短樹鄉村研究所
年份∣ 2019
類別∣ 品牌設計 包裝設計
Yenshi Oriental
The three characters in the brand name all mean “gather and share”. Fruit born out of the earth’s essence is used to brew tea in an oriental banquet, giving the human body a feast. Combining the meanings of gather, connection, and fruit in to the logo design, we covey its traditional oriental tea philosophy. In terms of packaging, the bright moon hangs high in the sky, hinting the existence of heaven and earth. The product is able to offer the best experience for having drawn from the essence of the world.
Brand∣ Yenshi Oriental
Design by∣ 25degreestudio x studiotngtetshiu
Year∣ 2019
Category∣ brand design, package design