2021 牛耕福田


| 一牛車豐收 |

| 一牛棚健康 |

| 白米選自 花蓮縣玉里鎮 台梗4號香米
| 糙米選自 花蓮德武苓雅部落

品牌∣ 25degreestudio
設計∣ 25degreestudio
年份∣ 2021

紙材∣ 松賀卡 威尼斯紙
加工| 燙黑 燙金

2021 Farming on Blessed Land

Upon hearing the words the year of the Ox, what springs to mind?
Oxen have helped Taiwan’s ancestors with cultivation and farming across the island. On the poster, the cowboy riding on an ox represents “Taiwanese Imagery”. In of the year of the Ox, we have chosen two types of rice from Eastern Taiwan and painted a rice fired to convey our respect and endless appreciation to oxen and the year of the Ox.

| Truckloads of Harvest |
Oxen have worked side by side with Taiwan’s ancestors in rice field. It is for the reason that many people traditionally don’t eat beef. We hold endless gratitude to the oxen for our richness and abundance.

| Sheds Full of Health |
Oxen can endure heat and drought. For this, they are known to symbol health, strength, and fitness. Though they move slowly, their persistence continued to impress farmers. We express thanks to oxen for providing the best farming companionship.

| Plain rice: Taken 4, Yu-li Township, Hualien County
| Brown rice: Lingacay, Dewu, Hualien County

Brand∣ 25degreestudio
Design by∣ 25degreestudio
Year∣ 2021

Material∣ pine, Venetian paper
Processing| black printing, gold printing

2021 牛年斗方

2021牛年斗方組 義賣活動
水牛 豐收 | 海牛 有餘 | 犀牛 勇敢 | 蝸牛 安居

義賣所得100%捐給 米樂流浪動物中途協會


品牌∣ 25degreestudio
設計∣ 25degreestudio
年份∣ 2021

紙材∣ 新百代紙 辣紅
加工| 燙紅 燙金

2021 Ox Year Card

2021 Year of the Ox card charity sale
Buffalo - Harvest
Manatee - Abundance
Rhino - Courage
Snail - Settlement

At 25degreestudio, we care about stray animal issues. Therefore, we decided to design this card set for charity sales, donating 100% of the earnings to Meet Love Home.

The calmly cultivating buffalo symbolizes harvest.
The thick-skinned rhino symbolizes courage.
The floating manatee symbolizes abundance.
The steady snail symbolizes settlement.

The year of the Ox brings warm and sturdy feelings.
It is hoped that the four blessings with allow animals on the streets to have a good year, too.

Brand∣ 25degreestudio
Design by∣ 25degreestudio
Year∣ 2021

Material∣ Ever Prosperous paper, chili red
Processing| red printing, gold printing

2020 月光靈藥





品牌∣ 25degreestudio
設計∣ 25degreestudio
年份∣ 2020

紙材∣ 威尼斯紙 珠光金屬色PVC

2020 Moonlight Potion

2020 seems to be the year in search of antidotes. The presenting of Chang-O’s magic pill provides the Earth with blessing during the chaotic full moon.

/Moonlight Pomelo - Made with the essence of pomelos prospering under the moonlight. Enjoy its flavors and blessings.

/Jade Hare Medication - Made in the Jade Hare’s pestle and mortar, this cloud-shaped pill will help you feel so relaxed as if you might float.

/Wu Gang’s Osmanthus Tree - Legend has it that Wu Gang planted the seed of a osmanthus tree on the moon. Rich in anti-oxidants pine nuts and osmanthus blossom, a bite will make you feel younger and see better.

Brand∣ 25degreestudio
Design by∣ 25degreestudio
Year∣ 2020

Material∣ Venetian paper, pearly-metallic PVC

2020 鼠光炸現


做為2020霹哩啪啦新開端,鼠光炸現 鼠錢鼠到爆

品牌∣ 25degreestudio
設計∣ 25degreestudio
年份∣ 2020

紙材∣ 英國新百代紙
加工| 燙金 燙白

2020 A Blast of Mice

The naughty mouse and its three enemies:
The angry kitten, the water-sprouting elephant, and the honest buffalo are all chasing the mouse for its pranks.
The witty mouse scrambles up the fire cracker and shot across the sky, setting off the year’s first rays of brightness.

The sparks resemble this imagery, echoing the tradition of setting off fireworks over Chinese New Year.
In addition to the bright red usually connect to Chinese New Year, we have chosen popular colors to offer new options of comfort amidst the happiness of the season.
Using the mouse and firecracker symbolization, we look forward to a cracking 2020.

Brand∣ 25degreestudio
Design by∣ 25degreestudio
Year∣ 2020

Material∣ Ever Prosperous paper
Processing| gold printing, white printing

2020 鼠年斗方  

倉鼠 滿 | 松鼠 鬆 | 飛鼠 翔 | 袋鼠 躍


品牌∣ 25degreestudio
設計∣ 25degreestudio
年份∣ 2020

紙材∣ 英國新百代紙 辣紅
加工| 燙黑 燙金

2020 Rat Year Card

Hamster - Full
Squirrel - Ease
Flying Squirrel - Glide
Kangaroo - Leap

A well-fed hamster symbolizes abundance.
The calm and dexterous squirrel symbolizes relaxation.
A gliding flying squirrel symbolizes flight.
The kangaroo taking a leap symbolizes jumping.

Brand∣ 25degreestudio
Design by∣ 25degreestudio
Year∣ 2020

Material∣ Ever Prosperous paper, chili red
Processing| red printing, gold printing