Visee Riche 媒體茶敘
Nail Holic指甲油展示區則以調色盤作為主體概念,色彩繽紛斑斕的色卡、畫筆作為裝飾元素,帶領與會者盡情享受豐富色彩質感與彩繪的樂趣。
品牌∣ Visee
企劃| 司創公關
設計∣ 25degreestudio
年份∣ 2020
類別∣ 活動空間設計
Nail Holic指甲油展示區則以調色盤作為主體概念,色彩繽紛斑斕的色卡、畫筆作為裝飾元素,帶領與會者盡情享受豐富色彩質感與彩繪的樂趣。
品牌∣ Visee
企劃| 司創公關
設計∣ 25degreestudio
年份∣ 2020
類別∣ 活動空間設計
Visee Riche Media Tea
The entire Visee eyeshadow exhibition area uses window grilles representing the classical beauty of the East as the main visual element, showing the delicately mature glass flower totems on the eye shadows, paired with featured elegant eye shadow color cards to create a quaint and elegant atmosphere.
The Nail Holic nail polish uses a color palette as the main design concept. The vibrant and lively color cards as well as paint brushes and drawing pencils are used as decorative elements, allowing participants to truly enjoy the abundance of colors and the fun of painting.
Brand∣ Visee
Planning| Strong Public Relations
Design by∣ 25degreestudio
Year∣ 2020
Category∣ event space design